In [7]: b = [1, 2, 3]In [8]: b?Type: listString form: [1, 2, 3]Length: 3Docstring:list() -> new empty listlist(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items如果该对象是一个函数或实例方法,则其docstring也会被显示出来:
In [10]: def add_numbers(a, b): ....: """ ....: Add two numbers together ....: Returns ....: ------ ....: the_sum: type of arguments ....: """ ....: return a + b ....: In [11]: add_numbers?Type: functionString form:使用??还将显示出该函数的源代码(如果可能的话):File: /Users/lgt/ Definition: add_numbers(a, b)Docstring:Add two numbers togetherReturns------the_sum: type of arguments
In [12]: add_numbers??Type: functionString form:而?甚至可以用于正则匹配:File: /Users/lgt/ Definition: add_numbers(a, b)Source:def add_numbers(a, b): """ Add two numbers together Returns ------ the_sum: type of arguments """ return a + b
In [13]: np.*load?np.loadnp.pkgload
lgtdeMacBook-Pro:~ lgt$ cat ipython_script_test.py def f(x, y, z): return (x + y) / za = 5b = 6c = 7.5result = f(a, b, c)
In [1]: %run ipython_script_test.py脚本是在空的命名空间中运行的,所以其行为应该跟在标准命令行环境中执行时一样.此后,该文件所定义的全部变量(还有各种import, 函数和全局变量)就可以在当前IPython shell中访问.
In [2]: cOut[2]: 7.5In [3]: resultOut[3]: 1.4666666666666666
In [5]: %run /Users/lgt/pydata-book/ch03/ipython_bug.py---------------------------------------------------------------------------AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)/Users/lgt/pydata-book/ch03/ipython_bug.py in() 13 throws_an_exception() 14 ---> 15 calling_things()/Users/lgt/pydata-book/ch03/ipython_bug.py in calling_things() 11 def calling_things(): 12 works_fine()---> 13 throws_an_exception() 14 15 calling_things()/Users/lgt/pydata-book/ch03/ipython_bug.py in throws_an_exception() 7 a = 5 8 b = 6----> 9 assert(a + b == 10) 10 11 def calling_things():AssertionError:
In [8]: import numpy as npIn [9]: a = np.random.randn(100, 100)In [10]: %timeit np.dot(a, a)10000 loops, best of 3: 86 µs per loop我们可以通过?来查看命令行选项.
命令 | 说明 |
%quickref | 显示IPython的快速参考 |
%magic | 显示所有魔术命令的详细文档 |
%debug | 从最新的异常跟踪的底部进入交互式调试器 |
%hist | 打印命令的输入(可选输出)历史 |
%pdb | 在异常发生后自动进入调试器 |
%paste | 执行剪贴板中的Python代码 |
%cpaste | 打开一个特殊提示符以便手工粘贴待执行的Python代码 |
%reset | 删除interactive命令空间中的全部变量/名称 |
%page OBJECT | 通过分页器打印输出OBJECT |
%run script.py | 在IPython中执行一个Python脚本文件 |
%prun statement | 通过cProfile执行statement,并打印分析器的输出结果 |
%time statement | 报告statement的执行时间 |
%timeit statement | 多次执行以计算平均执行时间 |
%who, %who_is, %whos | 显示interactive命名空间中定义的变量,信息级别/冗余度可变 |
%xdel variable | 删除variable,并尝试清除其在IPython中的对象上的一切引用 |
In [15]: %logstartActivating auto-logging. Current session state plus future input saved.Filename : ipython_log.pyMode : rotateOutput logging : FalseRaw input log : FalseTimestamping : FalseState : active
命令 | 说明 |
!cmd | 在系统shel中执行cmdl |
output = !cmd args | 执行cmd,并将stdout存放在output中 |
%alias alias_name cmd | 为系统shell命令定义别名 |
%bookmark | 使用IPython的目录书签系统 |
%cd directory | 将系统工作目录更改为directory |
%pwd | 返回系统的当前工作目录 |
%pushed directory | 将当前目录入栈,并转向目标目录 |
%popd | 弹出栈顶目录,并转向该目录 |
%dirs | 返回一个函数当前目录栈的列表 |
%dhist | 打印目录访问历史 |
%env | 以dic形式返回系统环境变量 |
In [17]: !pythonPython 2.7.10 (v2.7.10:15c95b7d81dc, May 23 2015, 09:33:12) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwinType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> exit()
In [18]: %alias ll ls -lIn [19]: ll /usrtotal 8drwxr-xr-x 5 root wheel 170 9 10 2014 X11lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 2 22 17:01 X11R6 -> X11drwxr-xr-x 1050 root wheel 35700 7 4 12:41 bindrwxr-xr-x 257 root wheel 8738 7 4 12:41 includedrwxr-xr-x 271 root wheel 9214 7 4 12:42 libdrwxr-xr-x 170 root wheel 5780 7 4 12:44 libexecdrwxrwxr-x 22 root admin 748 7 3 17:30 localdrwxr-xr-x 245 root wheel 8330 7 4 12:42 sbindrwxr-xr-x 44 root wheel 1496 4 18 00:35 sharedrwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 136 2 22 16:56 standalone
In [20]: %bookmark ws /Users/lgt/WorkspaceIn [21]: cd ws(bookmark:ws) -> /Users/lgt/Workspace/Users/lgt/WorkspaceIn [22]: pwdOut[22]: u'/Users/lgt/Workspace'